Erythrocyanosis Crurum

Synonyms. Erythrocyanosis cutis symmetrica, erythrocyanosis frigida crurum puellarum, erythrocyanosis supramalleolaris.
       Various other names have been given to this and similar diseases in which the chief characteristics are a slight swelling and a bluish-pink tint of the skin of the legs of young girls and women. The disease may be unilateral. Atypical varieties are common, some presenting cinnabar red spots, bullae, indurations, and lichenoid papules. There may be circumscribed deep nodules as in erythema induratum. As a rule, the affected limbs are cold to the touch. Associated menstrual disturbances, hyperhidrosis of the hands and feet, and keratosis pilaris are common. The disease is seen mostly in northern countries and is considered an endocrine disturbance in which the skin changes are brought about by exposure to cold.